Włodzimierz Wielki Książę Kijowski Rurykowicz

Jarosław Kijowski Mądry Rurykowicz

Izasław Jarosławowicz Rurykowicz

l i n k s
Światopołk II Michał Izjasławicz Rurykowicz
Piotr-Jaropełk Rurykowicz
Mścisław Rurykowicz
Izasław Jarosławowicz Rurykowicz
  • Born: 1024
  • Married przed 1050 to Gertruda Piast
  • Died: 1078
  • Occupation: Wielki Książę Kijowski

    pict163.jpg [205x237] Drzewo Rurykowiczów
    Izaslaw, Iziaslaw (1024-1078), syn Jaroslawa Madrego, ozeniony z siostra Kazimierza I Odnowiciela, Gertruda. 1054-1068 ksiaze kijowski, wypedzony z Kijowa podczas powstania ludowego. Odzyskal tron 1069 przy pomocy
    Boleslawa II Smialego. Na skutek konfliktu z bracmi, 1073 ponownie schronil sie w Polsce. Do Kijowa powrócil 1077, po smierci jednego z braci. Uczestniczyl w kodyfikacji Prawdy Ruskiej.

    Encyklopedia onet wiem
    Izaslaw mial syna Michala Swiatopelka

    Izyaslav (Dimitry) Yaroslavich, the eldest son of Yaroslav I - the Grand Duke of Kiev, was born in 1024. During his father life he reigned in Turov. Accoring to the will of Yaroslav he became the Grand Duke of Kiev and he was senior between the princes. Apparently, Izyaslav was not loved by Kievians. In 1068 Polovetss began to rob southern Russia; Kievians turned themselves to Izyaslav with the request to give out to them weapon. Izyaslav. probably not trusting Kievians, refused . So the Polovetss freed from the jail captured Polotsk' prince Vseslav and proclaimed him their prince. Izyaslav ran to Poland and after seven months with the Polish army, under the leadership of Boleslav, he returned. Vseslav went to meet him with the Kiev militia, but from the road he secretly left his troops and ran into Polotsk. Then the Kievians turned to the brothers of Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolodu, with the request to reconcile them with the prince. Izyaslav, although it obeyed brothers, but it sent to Kiev the son of Mistislav, who smashed the culprits of the expulsion of Izyaslav and part of them blinded. It is not surprising that when Izyaslav quarrelled with brother Svyatoslav of Chernigov and with brother Vsevolov and went on Svyatoslav , Kievians did not show support to great prince Izyaslav who had to for a second time run. This time he had to search refuge in Germany, at the emperor Henry the IV. But emperor could not give him support, nor did the pope Grigoriy VII, to which Izyaslav sent his son. Only in 1076, when died Svyatoslav reigning in Kiev and his place took Vsevolod, Izyaslav with the Polish troops went on Kiev. Vsevolod voluntarily entered with him in the agreement, returned to him Kiev, and to took himself Chernigov. Svyatoslav's son Oleg and Vyacheslav of Smolensk son Boris, not receiveing from their uncle their lots of lots, ran in Tmutarakan. In 1078 they led led the troops from Polock and expelled Vsevolod from Chernigov. Vsevolod turned for help to Izyaslav . Not far from Chernigov, in the Nezhatinoy fields, troops of Izyaslav and Vsevolod met with troops of the outcasts. Izyaslav was killed in this battle (on 3 October, 1078). His body is buried in the church of holiest Mother of God. - See the chronicles: Monasteries (p. 145, 153, 155, 157 - 159, 162, 163, 166 - 169, 176 - 78, 188, 193 - 197, 210 - 211, 238, 239, 247, 260, 308); Ipat. (p. 104, 110 - 114, 117, 118, 120 - 122, 127, 128, 136, 139 - 142); "P. S. R. L." (Vol. III, p. 2, 3, 122, 210; IV, 176; V, 138 - 143, 146 - 148, 184; VI, 57; VII, 1 - 2, 223, 232, 241, 329, 331 - 333, 335 - 357, 340 - 342). E. K.

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