Rurik  Wielki Książę Kijowski Ruryk

Igor Wielki Książę Kijowski Rurykowicz

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Światosław Wielki Książę Kijowski Rurykowicz
Igor Wielki Książę Kijowski Rurykowicz
  • Born: 875, Novgorog
  • Died: 945

    Acceded: 924
    Died in 945, murdered by the Drevlanes from the town of Korosten
    Although said to be less capable than leaders before and after him, Igor nontheless carried the conquests of Kievian Rus further. He undertook campaigns against Persia, Constantinople and Bulgaria.

    Igor married in 903 to St. Olga, Regent of Kiev, who was born circa 890 and died in 969.
    Igor and Olga had the following children:

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