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Novgorod book Vladimir svyatoslavich after murder (980) of Yaropolk took to himself in husbands its pregnant widow, and he adopted Svyatopolk borne soon. In KON of the 80th yr. X v. the step-father determined Svyatopolk yaropolchicha to knyazheniye into The turovskeye earth, then gave to it into the holding The drevlyanskeye earth and Pinsk. In the beginning THE XI century Svyatopolk yaropolchich okayannyy composed plot against Vladimir, who was opened, and Svyatopolk together with the wife - the daughter of Polish book Boleslav THE I brave - was concluded in the prison. After death of step-father (1015) took velikoknyazheskiy table, after killing its stepbrothers - Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav (for which also obtained nickname the damned). Against Svyatopolk yaropolchicha okayanny appeared his brother, novg. book Yaroslav Vladimirovich mudryy. After defeat in the battle with Lyubeche (1016) Svyatopolk yaropolchich okayannyy ran to Poland. After returning (1018) it is Polish, by army, Svyatopolk yaropolchich okayannyy broke Yaroslav on Bouguer and banished him from Kiev. The dissatisfaction of people masses with the dominion of foreigners forced Polish army to leave Russia. In 1019 Yaroslav again came out against Svyatopolk yaropolchicha okayanny, who was forced to leave to the Pechenegs. In the battle on r. alto Svyatopolk yaropolchich okayannyy was broken, he ran to Poland, then into Czechia and in the way it perished with the mysterious circumstances. Are used materials from the book: Boguslawski EXPLOSIVES, Burminov EXPLOSIVES Russia ryurikovichey. Illustrated historical dictionary. ----------------------------- Svyatopolk I Yaropolkovich damned (kol.shch) From the kind Of ryurikovichey. Son of Yaropolk svyatoslavich, the stepson of Vladimir svyatoslavich. Kind. 980 g. book Turovskiy in 988 - 1015 conducted book Kiev 1) 1015 - 1016, 1018 - 1019 the wife: the daughter of prince pol'skiy Boleslana I, + 1019. *** Chronicler reports that after the murder of his of brother Yaropolk prince Vladimir took in wife its widow, certain Greek woman, whom in his time brought to Russia as prisoner Svyatoslav and he gave out for Yaropolk for the beauty of its face. It was before nun. When Vladimir was married it, it was already beremenna from Yaropolk, and it afterward bore son - Svyatopolk. Vladimir entire life his did not love it and did not read a little for the son, since Svyatopolk was eternal reminding of his sin. In 988 year Vladimir isolated to Svyatopolk into the lot Turov. After conclusion of peace between Russia and Poland the prince Polish Boleslav khrabryy gave out for Svyatopolk his daughter. But this first related union of the princes of Polish with the Russians led to an even larger discord between them. Boleslav, as is evident, the best means for our own strengthening considered internal disturbances in neighbors. Together with the daughter of Boleslav arrived to turovskogo prince reynbern's court, the bishop kolobrezhskiy, who drew together with Svyatopolk and beginnings it was slave Boleslav to poduchat' of him to the uprising against Vladimir. But Vladimir learned about the malicious plans and concluded Svyatopolk into the jail together with the wife and Reynbernom. In 1013 Boleslav attained the release of his sons-in-law, who since then lived in the reference in Vyshgorode. Placing the nephew in itself quite near, Vladimir, apparently, wanted to secure himself from its intrigues. Being located under a constant observation, Svyatopolk could not be to it dangerous. Circumstances, however, sharply changed during June 1015, after the sudden decease of Vladimir. Svyatopolk, who proved to be himself in Kiev is earlier than all his brothers, now took authority. Following the fact it called Kievians and it began to cajole by their gifts. Kievians took gifts, chronicler speaks, but their hearts did not lie to the new prince everything they awaited, that will undertake Boris, the dear son of Vladimir, under beginning of whom there was entire guard of father. Not long before death Vladimir sent Boris with the army against the Pechenegs, and therefore Boris was located far from Kiev. Svyatopolk knew, as his position is unstable. Therefore, besides the bribery, it selected another means for the retention of authority - murder of brothers. First of all, the sent by it people killed on the river the alto of Boris, then Gleb, who went into Kiev: Without having been quieted on this, Svyatopolk sent killers to Svyatoslav. Nearer to the autumn he heard, that another brother his, Yaroslav mudryy, goes to it by war from Novgorod. Then Svyatopolk gathered many soldiers, Russians and Pechenegs, and he left against it to Lyubechu. Itself it arose on one shore of the Dnepr, and Yaroslav with guard its on the opposite. The camp of the Svyatopolks was arranged between two lakes. Without expecting attack, it is entire night of saws together with its guard. However, Yaroslav at dawn, after preparing guard his to the battle, crossed through the Dnepr. After landing to the coast, Novgorodians repelled boats and send into the offensive. And refer both sides, and there was battle severe. However, Pechenegs because of the lake could not arrive to the aid to Svyatopolk. Novgorodians forced Svyatopolkovu guard against lake and they began to thrash it. After seeing this, Svyatopolk turned himself into the flight and ran into Poland to the father-in-law to Boleslav khrabry. But Yaroslav sat down in Kiev. In 1018 together with Svyatopolk against Yaroslav appeared itself Boleslav khrabryy. Yaroslav, after gathering Russia and Varangians, went towards Boleslav and Svyatopolk and met them on Volyni on the shore of the bug. Poles suddenly rushed into the river, and their strong pressure was such unexpected, that Yaroslav even did not have time to gather his soldiers. Victory remained after Boleslav and Svyatopolk, and Yaroslav ran to Novgorod in all with four muzhami. After entering Kiev, Boleslav itself began to guide by the Russian earth, and guard its he sent out around the surrounding cities to pokorm. But Svyatopolk, being annoyed at the father-in-law for the fact that no authority was given to it, it ordered its supporters to thrash Poles. And they began to kill Poles. Worried by uprising, Boleslav escaped from Kiev, after taking with himself entire princely treasury and all of all sisters of Yaroslav. It took away with itself and many simple people. However, Svyatopolk began to reign in Kiev. But Yaroslav, after collecting Varangians, went second time against it. Without Poles Svyatopolk could not already resist brother and ran into the steppe to the Pechenegs. There, after gathering large army, he in 1019 came out to Yaroslav, and both troops were encountered on the alto. On sunrise enemies refer, and there was the severe battle, such as it was not before in Russia. Soldiers were chopped, without thinking about the life, so that the blood flowed along the low places by streams. Yaroslav overcame toward the evening, and Svyatopolk ran. During the flight folly attacked it, and it could not sit on the horse because of the weakening of terms. Servants bore it on the stretchers. The very same said incessantly: "run! Run! They strive for us ", although no one strove for it. To it it was intolerably remain at one place. It thus nursed Poland through entire and died, by all that abandoned, in the certain desert place between Poland and Czechia. All monarchs of peace. Russia. 600 brief biographies. Constantine ryzhov. Moscow, 1999. ----------------------------- * * * (see the genealogical table I) Parents: Yaropolk I (961-980x), Julia; After the murder of Yaropolk Vladimir I took his wife Julia in room-mate. Soon it bore the son of Svyatopolk, whom Vladimir I educated on the level with his children. Therefore into some sources of Svyatopolk they call the son of Yaropolk, in others - by the son of Vladimir. Wife: name neizvestvo, the daughter of the king of Poland Boleslav I Basic moments of the life Of vel.knyaz' Kiev (1015-1015), (1017-1019); Vladimir I planted Yaropolk in Turov and about 1013 married on the daughter of Polish king Boleslav. Together with the young princess arrived in Turov the bishop kolobrezhskiy Reynbern, which had, probably, in the form the rejection of Russian church from the Greek and subordination to its Rome. Svyatopolk, dissatisfied Vladimir and impelled by wife and Reynbernom, became to prepare uprising against Vladimir, designing, obviously, for the aid of father-in-law, but Vladimir learned about his intentions and planted it with the wife and Reynbernom into the prison. Not long before Vladimir Svyatopolk's death it was freed and, apparently, it obtained into the lot Of vyshgorod, near Kiev. When Vladimir passed away (1015), surrounding hid its death from Svyatopolk, who, as elder from those locating into the living sons of Vladimir, could pretend to the Kiev table; but Svyatopolk was at this time in Kiev, he learned about death of father and immediately took his table. In order to draw the sympathy of Kievians, little to it located, Svyatopolk began to give out gifts to townspeople. Then he tried to ensure himself from the claims to the Kiev table from the side of brothers. Is most dangerous for it was dangerous Boris, at disposal of whom there were paternal guard and Kiev militia and who used the love of Kievians. Svyatopolk sent devoted to it vyshegorodtsev to kill Boris; he was finished by the same way from other two brothers, Gleb and Svyatoslav, who ran to Hungary, but it was killed in the Carpathian mountains. Such violence with the relative- rivals although not was exceptional phenomenon into that century, it produced heavy impression on the contemporaries Svyatopolk, and they gave to it the nickname of the damned. (see the "narrative of temporary years". Part 3). News about the slaughter by Svyatopolk brothers reached Novgorod prince Yaroslav, who, with the support of Novgorodians and Varangians, went to Svyatopolk by war. Collision occurred near Lyubecha city. Svyatopolk was broken and ran into Poland, but with the aid of its father-in-law gained the top above Yaroslav and again engaged itself Kiev (1017). Boleslav, with the part the troops, remained for a while in Russia, and only when Russians began to thrash Poles, it left home, after taking the property of Yaroslav and after engaging along the road chervenskiye cities. Meanwhile Yaroslav, on the insistence of Novgorodians, again undertook march in Kiev. Svyatopolk was broken, he ran away into the steppe to the Pechenegs and brought them against Yaroslav. Battle occurred on the shore the altos, where Boris was killed. Svyatopolk again tested failure, he ran to Poland and along the road died. Material from the site FROM RUSSIA BY THE ANCIENT TO THE EMPIRE RUSSIAN ----------------------------- * * * SVYATOPOLK DAMNED (975, Novgorod - 1019)- prince turovskiy with 988, conducted prince Kiev with 1015. The son of Yaropolk, usynovlennyy conducted by prince Vladimir svyatoslavichem and that received into the lot Turov -Pinskoe principality. Accordingly the "narratives of temporary years", s., being solicited Kiev throne, killed three brothers. Two of them - Boris and Gleb, were added by Russ. church to the face of the saints in the opinion of contemporary researchers, nickname "damned" s. bears undeservedly, since story about this murder - subsequent insert in the chronicle. Who in reality killed the sons of prince Vladimir svyatoslavich, historians not can to say with the confidence. For claims on the Kiev throne produced Novgorod prince Yaroslav mudryy, supporter of Christianity. The enemy of new in religion, s. was defeated to v.bitve with Lyubechev 1016 and it ran Poland. S. was married on the daughter of Polish king Boleslav khrabry, who rendered military assistance its of zyatyu. after returning to 1018 with the Polish army, s. broke Yaroslav on r. the bug and banished it from Kiev. MAY 1019 Yaroslav again forced s. to leave Kiev. S. ran to Poland, where and as it finished its days, it is unknown. The materials of the book are used: Shikman A.P. the workers of domestic history. Biographical reference book. Moscow, 1997. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Literature: Tyutyunik A. the "damned". Studies from the Russian history// science and life. 1991. N 10; Filist G.M. The history Of Svyatopolk okayanny's "Crimes". Minsk, 1990. Here read: Karamzin N.M. the history of the state of Russian volume. 2 chapters I. THE GRAND DUKE SVYATOPOLK. G. 1015-1019 | |
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